True North Wire Service produces original news and journalism for Canadians. Our experienced team of investigative and breaking news journalists, researchers, and editors provide comprehensive reporting from coast to coast to coast.
Meet our staff

William McBeath
is True North Wire’s Executive Director. Previously, he was the senior advisor to Wildrose Opposition Leader Danielle Smith, and provincial campaign director and director of political operations for the Wildrose party.

Cosmin Dzsurdzsa
is a senior journalist and researcher for True North Wire based in British Columbia.

Isaac Lamoureux
is a bilingual journalist and researcher for True North Wire. He is based in Edmonton.

Quinn Patrick
is a full-time journalist with True North Wire based in Montreal. His work has also been published by The Post Millennial. He has a passion for Canadian history and culture.

Noah Jarvis
is a political science student at York University and a reporter for True North Wire.

Clayton DeMaine
is an intern at True North Wire. He is a journalism student at Durham College and an alumnus of The Democracy Fund’s Student Journalist Conference.