Conservatives launch Jagmeet Singh pension countdown clock

By Clayton DeMaine

Canadians curious about when NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh becomes entitled to his $2.3-million taxpayer-funded pension don’t need to stress anymore – they can now visit a new website to countdown the seconds.

The Conservative Party of Canada has launched a website called “

with a countdown clock marking the time until NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh becomes eligible to collect the pension.

“Sellout Jagmeet Singh said that Trudeau was ‘too weak, too selfish and too beholden to corporate interests to fight for people,’” a Conservative news release said. “Despite claiming he had ripped up his deal with the Liberals in September, he voted to prop them up 8 times over the fall to keep Liberals in power until he gets his $2.3 million taxpayer-funded pension on February 25th.”

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation estimated that if Singh took his pension early at age 55 and lived until he was 90, his total retirement would cost taxpayers $2.3 million.

“Sellout Jagmeet Singh is now looking for any opportunity to prop up the Liberals and Carbon Tax Carney to keep them in power longer and lock in his multi-million dollar pension,” the Conservative news release said. “He simply doesn’t care about the Canadians lined up at food banks or unable to find housing. All he cares about is Jagmeet.”

Singh did not respond to True North’s requests to comment.

The Conservatives accompanied the countdown clock with an attack ad claiming that Singh locked in an agreement with the Trudeau Liberals to prop them up in a bid to delay an election and secure his pension.

“Jagmeet Singh will lock in his million-dollar pension. All it cost him was a deal with the liberals that doubled housing costs, spiked crime and quadrupled the carbon tax,” the ad said. “Jagmeet Singh, he’ll get his pension. What price will you pay next?”

“With the NDP-Liberal costly coalition, the Liberals get power, Singh gets his pension, and Canadians get the bill,” the CPC said in a statement.

The site launch comes after Singh hinted that he would vote to prop up the Liberals again, potentially going back on his promise to vote non-confidence in the Liberal government during the next parliamentary sitting “no matter who” the party leader is.

He suggested he might support a Liberal work relief program instead of voting them out of office on Tuesday.

Though Singh has not stated that an early election should be called despite parliament being prorogued, opposition parties have to wait until prorogation ends to call an election.

Prorogation kills any bills and prevents parliament from sitting and opposition parties from voting. Prorogation is set to lapse by March 24, 2025, the latest possible time the government can go without withstanding a supply vote for continued funds.

Upon announcing his resignation, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his appointed governor-general, Mary Simon, granted him prorogation of parliament to give time for the Liberal leadership contest to play out.

Conservatives dubbed the NDP leader “Sell out Singh” last July when they released another pair of attack ads against him.

Those ads alleged Singh was delaying an election to qualify for the multimillion-dollar pension and for his continued “luxury lifestyle” on the taxpayer’s dime.

Photos exclusively obtained by True North found Singh entering a Maserati Levante SUV in early October. According to the vehicle ranges from $127,000 to $213,800.

He later said that it wasn’t his vehicle. Still, the incident led to Conservatives dubbing Singh a “Maserati Marxist,” a play on the common phrase “Champagne Socialist.”

Singh has also been under fire for boasting about his hobby of collecting multiple Rolex watches, which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, as well as his wife’s expensive taste in dresses.
