Jagmeet Singh ends coalition agreement with Trudeau Liberals

By Clayton DeMaine

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh announced an end to his NDP-backed coalition government with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party.

On Wednesday afternoon, Singh posted a video on X announcing an end to the NDP-Liberal agreement signed in 2022. The agreement kept the Liberal government in power in exchange for NDP priorities. 

“The fact is, the Liberals are too weak, too selfish and too beholden to corporate interests to fight for people. They cannot be the change. They cannot restore the hope. They cannot stop the Conservatives. But we can,” Singh said in the video. “In the next federal election, Canadians will choose between Pierre Poilievre, callous cuts, or hope, hope that when we stand united, we win.”

On X, Poilievre noted that the announcement lacked any commitment to call an election early.

“In today’s media stunt, Sellout Singh refuses to state whether the NDP will vote with non-confidence to cause a carbon tax election at the first chance,” Poilievre said on X. 

According to poll aggregator 388 Canada, the Conservatives are projected to win a majority government with 210 seats if an election were held today. The same poll shows the NDP would score only 16 seats and the Quebec separatist Bloc Quebecois would win more than double the seat count.

“Justin Trudeau has proven again and again that he will always cave into corporate greed. The Liberals have let people down. They don’t deserve another chance,” Singh said. “There is an even bigger battle ahead, the threat of Pierre Polievre and Conservative cuts from workers, retirees, young people, patients, and from families. He will cut in order to give more to big corporations and wealthy CEOs.”

Poilievre said the policies the NDP voted on during the coalition agreement, such as supporting the government’s carbon tax, will drive Canadians to food banks and “grind our economy to a halt.”

“Canadians need a carbon tax election NOW to decide between the Costly Coalition of NDP-Liberals who tax your food, punish your work, take your money, double your housing costs and unleash crime and drugs in your communities OR common sense Conservatives who will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, and stop the crime,” Poilievre said. 

In a letter to the NDP caucus that was leaked to the media and posted by Columnist Brian Lilley of the Toronto Sun on X, Singh said that when parliament resumes in the Fall, the NDP will vote on items based on their conscience rather than in support of the NDP-Liberal coalition.

“When Parliament resumes in the Fall, we will do what New Democrats always do — we will put Canadians first. We will approach every vote on its own merit, we will push for measures that help Canadians, we will not shy away from vigorously holding this government to account, and we will fight Pierre Poilievre’s cuts,” the letter said. “If this means triggering an election, we will be ready.”

At a press conference in Rocky Harbour, Newfoundland on Wednesday afternoon, Trudeau said that he hopes the NDP will continue to work with the Liberals instead of voting against them for political reasons.

“As a government, we’re going to stay focused on delivering for Canadians at a time where people need that,” Trudeau said. “I’m focused on Canadians, and I will let other parties focus on politics.”

Trudeau focused on the Conservative party as the greatest threat to his party as well.

“We’re going to deliver for Canadians, in contrast, the Conservative leader wants to cut dental care, cut the school food program, cut insulin…cut the programs that Canadians are relying on to help them through this difficult time,” he said.“I certainly hope that the NDP will stay true to its fundamental values, which is making sure that Canadians get the support they need, and keeping away the austerity, the cuts and the damage that will be done by Conservatives if they get the chance.”
