Trudeau appoints Housefather as special advisor on antisemitism 

By Isaac Lamoureux

Outspoken Liberal MP Anthony Housefather will lead the government’s response to antisemitism.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has named Liberal MP Anthony Housefather as the Special Advisor on Jewish Community Relations and Antisemitism, despite Housefather’s criticism of the Liberal government’s handling of the issue.

Housefather previously stated he had “started reflecting as to whether or not I belonged” in the Liberal party after an “anti-Israel” NDP motion was passed in the House of Commons.

Housefather, who is Jewish, was one of just three Liberal MPs to oppose the motion.

The Liberal MP has stood alone or among very few on numerous other occasions, like when he and his colleague and former minister Marco Mendicino opposed relying on UNRWA as a conduit for aid distribution to Gaza.

Housefather also condemned arson attempts against a Christian church, while the Liberals and NDP shut down a motion condemning the arson.

Housefather has also been targeted for being very outspoken against anti-Israel encampments at universities.

Activists recently displayed a poster in the street equating Housefather to a neo-Nazi. The poster read, “Zionism=terrorism.”

Housefather said he was grateful to Trudeau for putting him in a position where he could translate words into action. 

“There has been no time in my lifetime when Jewish Canadians have felt as threatened as they do today. While we cannot make antisemitism disappear, all levels of government, universities, and police can take concrete steps to make Jewish Canadians feel safer in this country,” said Housefather.

Housefather will continue in his role as Parliamentary Secretary to the President of the Treasury Board while undertaking his new responsibilities.

The newly appointed head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission was recently alleged to have a history of anti-Israel activism.

Conservative deputy leader Melissa Lantsman congratulated Housefather on his new role in a post to X.

“Now, how about agreeing to public committee hearings on how Justin Trudeau managed to appoint an antisemite as the chief human rights commissioner and then lied about not knowing history?” she asked. 

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre previously criticized Trudeau for appointing “an antisemite who compared Israelis to Nazis as head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.” 

“Liberal MP Housefather could agree to recall committee to investigate this grotesque appointment, but he won’t. The NDP & Bloc could too, but they won’t,” said Poilievre.

Housefather’s appointment follows the Liberals’ devastating loss in the Toronto—St. Paul’s byelection, a historically Liberal stronghold previously held by the party since 1993.

A poll revealed that 62.8% of Jews in the riding intended to vote Conservative, compared to 20.7% who said they would vote for the Liberals. This was a dramatic shift from national polling from a 2018 survey, which showed 36% of Jews in Canada supported the Liberals, compared to 32% who supported the Conservatives.

The shift could come in part due to the Liberal party being criticized for its mixed messaging regarding support for Israel and condemnation of antisemitism following Hamas’ attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

Trudeau said that Housefather, in his new role, will help the federal government fight antisemitism, protect Jewish communities, and address rising discrimination against the Jewish people.

“Antisemitism is not a problem for the Jewish community to solve alone. We will continue to take action — across government — to make Canada safer, more inclusive, and better for everyone,” said Trudeau.

True North reached out to Housefather for comment but received no reply.
