CAMPUS WATCH: antisemitic, anti-police, pro-Hamas messages displayed at uOttawa encampment

By Élie Cantin-Nantel

The University of Ottawa’s anti-Israel encampment was littered with antisemitic, anti-police and pro-Hamas messaging over the weekend. 

This comes as the university is working to accommodate some of the occupiers’ demands.

True North visited the encampment site on Saturday.

There were several messages spray-painted onto white tarps.

Among them were messages that were aimed at the police. Multiple tarps had the letters “ACAB,” an acronym for “all cops are bastards,” sprayed on them. The phrase “F**k the police” was also seen.

Other notable messages include “no peace on stolen land,” “bacon-free zone” and “all the Zionists are racist.” The latter is considered to be an antisemitic phrase.

There was also a tarp covered in Hamas red triangles that read “liberation is ours.”

The Middle East Media Research Institute notes that the red triangle is used by Hamas’s military wing, the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, in videos where they target Israeli forces.

“The red triangle has come to symbolize Hamas’ war against Israel, and has become a popular anti-Israel symbol expressing open support for Hamas and its terrorist activities,” noted the institute. 

This is not the first time that Hamas symbols have been spotted at the University of Ottawa encampment.

A protester was previously seen proudly wearing the logo of Hamas.

Red triangles and the logo of Hamas’ Al Qassam brigade also appeared at the anti-Israel encampment at the University of Toronto.

While the University of Ottawa had said early on that it would not tolerate encampments or occupations, the administration has since shifted its tone and has allowed the encampment to stay on its campus for weeks.

The university is also engaging with encampment protesters and has promised to publicly disclose its investment portfolio by June 1. 

A statue of Joseph-Henri Tabaret, a Catholic priest who is commonly referred to as the builder of the University of Ottawa, was also vandalized. The statue is located across from the encampment.

Vandals splashed the statue with red paint and spray-painted the words “colonizer” on the ground in front of it.

The University of Ottawa did not return a request for comment.
