Social justice activist charged for pro-Palestine protest at Jewish-owned business

By Noah Jarvis

An outspoken social justice activist and perennial protester was arrested and charged for conducting a disruptive protest inside an Israeli-Canadian business.

Anna Lippman, a PhD candidate at York University and a high-profile member of Independent Jewish Voices – an anti-Israel advocacy organization – was arrested by Toronto police along with other demonstrators for participating in an unlawful protest this past January.

According to Toronto police, Lippman, Desmond Cole and Helene Furlottee-Bois were arrested after unlawfully entering Awz Ventures’ office in the Yonge and Eglinton area.

Lippman was charged with forcible entry, mischief to property, member of an unlawful assembly, member of an unlawful assembly while masked, and failure to leave premises when directed. Both Cole and Furlottee-Bois were slapped with a similar slate of charges.

World Beyond War Canada – a pro-Palestinian advocacy organization – condemned Toronto police’s arrests against the activists, claiming that the police is actively seeking to quash the pro-Palestinian movement.

“Toronto Police Services once again on the wrong side of history as they continue to criminalize the Palestinian solidarity movement,” reads WBWC’s X post. 

None of the activists deny that they protested at the business, but they still claim that the Toronto police set out to send a message to the pro-Palestinian movement.

Furthermore, WBWC claims that undercover police officers had assaulted one of the three activists during their arrests.

Lippman says that concern for “Jewish safety” is being used as cover for Toronto police to shut down pro-Palestinian demonstrations and allows companies to do business with Israeli corporations they view as helping the Israel Defence Forces.

“The action at Awz highlights that we refuse to have Jewish safety used as cover for investors to profit from genocide and occupation,” said Lippman.

Cole reiterated a similar message, vilifying the Toronto police for the arrest. 

“Toronto police are today criminalizing us for calling attention to this company, whose business aids the surveillance and punishment of Palestinians. Our commitment to Palestinian life is unshakeable, and the TPS will never silence us,” said Cole.

True North columnist Sue-Ann Levy ridiculed Lippman for her activism and applauded her arrest at the hands of Toronto police.
