Rumble protesting Bill C-63 with Toronto rally featuring Donald Trump Jr., Glenn Greenwald

By Clayton DeMaine

A free speech-loving video platform is taking its fight against censorship to the streets.

The Canadian site Rumble is hosting its first-ever live event in Toronto in protest of the Canadian government’s Bill C-63, which bans online “hate speech” and allows for life sentences for any crime deemed to be motivated by hate.

The May 10 event will feature live editions of four Rumble exclusive shows, including Donald Trump Jr.’s Triggered and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald’s System Update.

Canadian lawyer Viva Frei, who rose to prominence for his live streaming during the Freedom Convoy, will also host a show.

Free speech will be front and centre.

“Rumble is known for holding and being the lead on freedom of expression,” said Rumble founder Chris Pavlovski. “We are huge believers in human rights, which is Article 19 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. We firmly oppose the new bill (C-63), which violates those rights,” Pavlovski said in an interview with True North.

The UN defines freedom of expression as a human right: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

“We believe freedom of expression as a human right, and so does the United Nations,” he said. “Democracy and freedom are extremely important. One of the pillars of that is freedom of expression.”

Pavlovski said this will be the first of many events. He plans to take it across the U.S. as well.

Pavlovski noted that civil liberties groups such as The Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Constitution Foundation have warned that the bill could erode the right to free expression in Canada.

“This bill is absolutely in opposition to freedom of expression,” Pavlovski said. “There is no clear definition of hate speech that would be agreed upon by all parties and any authoritative government can take that to mean whatever they want.”

He believes Canadians should be very concerned about the state incentivizing its citizens to report one another for their speech online and adding jail sentences as a punishment for such speech.

Rumble has partnered with Canadian independent media company Rebel News for the event, which Rebel founder Ezra Levant said was a natural fit.

“The Rumble event is focused on freedom of speech, including Trudeau’s threatened C-63 censorship law,” Levant told True North. “Rumble is the leading free speech video platform. They believe in freedom of speech morally. And, of course, it is also essential to the success of their business.”

The event will be live-streamed on Rumble, but Levant said there’s nothing like being there.

“It’s a great chance for people in the Toronto area to be part of an exciting free speech moment and to attend the event live.”
