Poilievre ejected from House of Commons for calling Trudeau a “wacko”

By Quinn Patrick

Conservative Leader Pierre Poliievre was kicked out of the House of Commons after he refused to withdraw a claim that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a “wacko.”

The incident occurred during question period, when Poilievre referred to Trudeau as a “wacko” prime minister responsible for “wacko” policy – a term that raised the ire of House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus.

Poilievre’s comments followed Trudeau accusing him of associating with far-right extremists and pandering white nationalists in order to acquire votes. Trudeau also went on to say that Poilievre was not fit to be prime minister. 

The two politicians exchanged barbs in the aftermath of Conservative MP Rachael Thomas being kicked out of the chamber for disregarding instructions from Fergus, whom Thomas called “disgraceful.”

Ferugs asked Poilievre to withdraw the use of the word wacko, which the speaker said “was not parliamentary.”

“Mr. Speaker, I replace wacko with extremist,” replied Poilievre. “He is an extremist.”

Fergus asked Poilievre again to withdraw his comment, “and simply, withdraw his comment,” to which Poiilievre instead offered to replace the word with “radical.”

Fergus asked Poilievre again to withdraw the comment, without replacing it with any other words. 

In the roar of frustration from the Conservative bench, an MP can be heard yelling, “they (the Liberals) can call us white supremacists.”

“I replace the word with extremist,” Poilievre replied.

“I will ask the honourable leader of the opposition one last time to please withdraw that comment, and simply withdraw that comment,” said Fergus. 

“I simply withdraw and replace with the aforementioned adjective,” answered Poilievre.

Fegus then ordered Poilievre to withdraw from the House for the remainder of the day’s sitting for disregarding the chair.

The majority of Conservative MPs left the chamber in protest.

