Alex Jones strikes back at Trudeau’s critique over Poilievre endorsement 

By Isaac Lamoureux

InfoWars founder Alex Jones hit back at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and chastised the Canadian leader for his criticism regarding the controversial news show host’s endorsement of Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. 

Trudeau attacked Poilievre during Question Period in the House of Commons on Tuesday for not immediately denouncing Alex Jones’ support.

“But speaking of misinformation and disinformation, any responsible leader that receives an endorsement and support from proven conspiracy theorist and liar Alex Jones would have immediately denounced that. But that’s not what the leader of the opposition did. He did absolutely nothing because those kinds of endorsements fit within his political strategy,” said Trudeau. 

True North previously reported Jones’ endorsement of Poilievre. “Been following this guy for years, and he is the real deal! Canada desperately needs many more leaders like him, and so does the rest of the world,” Jones said of Poilievre.

A spokesperson for the Conservatives told True North that “we do not follow the individual you mention or listen to what he says. Common sense Conservatives are listening to the priorities of the millions of Canadians that want to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, and stop the crime. It is the endorsement of hard-working, everyday Canadians that Conservatives are working to earn.” 

Prior to Jones posting an almost 11-minute video, much of which was in response to Trudeau, he posted a video to X where Trudeau lashed out at Poilievre with the aforementioned captions.

“Is this the same Trudeau that gave a standing ovation to an actual Nazi war criminal from WW2?” Jones wrote in the post’s caption.

Following that, Jones posted a lengthy video to X, Alex Jones Responds to Justin Trudeau’s attack.

“Trudeau only won with 20% of the vote but did a parliamentary procedure to stay in power. He came out and attacked me yesterday, and it’s totally blown up in his face,” said Jones. 

For the 20% calculation, Jones was likely calculating the 5,556,835 total votes cast for the Liberal party in the 2021 election. This would amount to approximately 20.2% of the total 27,509,496 votes cast. The Conservative party received more votes, a total of 5,742,635. 

As for the parliamentary procedure, Jones could have been referencing the Liberal-NDP coalition that has allowed the minority Liberal government to maintain power in the House of Commons.

Jones continued describing Trudeau during his video.

“We’re talking about globalists trying to put people in jail for life. Prime Minister Trudeau, who again says he wants to be a dictator. He admires dictatorships. He’s trying to pass a law right now for life in prison for speech. He throws peaceful protestors in jail. He shuts down churches for years while liquor stores, topless bars, and Walmart are open. This guy is a real tyrant,” said Jones.

True North previously reported that renowned podcast host Joe Rogan had echoed similar claims against Trudeau. Rogan called Trudeau a dictator and said that Canada had become a communist country.

He added that Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, said that Trudeau served as a model for the WEF penetrating government cabinets worldwide. 

Polling Canada’s most recent polling shows that the Conservatives will form a majority government if the voting aligns with the numbers from its polling.

“So, this guy is wildly unpopular, but with parliamentarian manipulations, with only 20% of the vote, he was able to continue as Prime Minister,” said Jones. 

Jones warned listeners that while people in power, such as Trudeau and Hillary Clinton, are attacking him and other independent media creators like Tucker Carlson, the public is the real target.

“They’re coming for you. Living on your knees is no place to live. Let’s live on our feet… It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees… A hero dies once, but the coward dies a thousand deaths,” said Jones.
