Police offer $50K reward for tips that lead to gun trafficker’s arrest

By Quinn Patrick

The Toronto Police Service is seeking a convicted firearms trafficker who is on the run after failing to appear in court for sentencing and they have offered a reward of up to $50,000 for any information that may lead to his arrest. 

Kamar Cunningham, 39, of Toronto had initially been arrested in 2018 for his involvement in tracking firearms from the U.S. into Canada. His arrest was part of an investigation called Project Patton.

Project Patton led to the largest single seizure of firearms in the city’s history at the time, resulting in 75 arrests. 

Among those was Cunnigham, who was convicted of several firearms trafficking charges in November 2020.  

“He has been released on bail three times,” said Supt. Steve Watts at a police conference in Toronto on Tuesday. 

“Each time he has violated his release conditions before being arrested and released on bail again…. Not surprisingly, he did not appear once again for a sentencing hearing.”

Police announced the $50,000 reward along with Toronto Crime Stoppers and the Bolo Program, an acronym for “be on the lookout.” The program aims to make wanted notices more visible to communities. 

“Gun violence continues to be one of the most significant public safety issues that plagues our community and affects our city,” said Watts.

“The vast majority of these crimes are being perpetrated by people in possession of illegal firearms. Many of these weapons find their way onto our streets and find their way through illicit channels across the U.S.-Canadian border and into the hands of criminals who show absolutely no regard for human life.”

In May 2021 Cunningham was sentenced in absentia to nine years in custody but was initially released on bail while awaiting trial.

He was later arrested again for violating his bail conditions, according to Bolo’s website.

He was arrested again for a third time for violating his release conditions while on bail but did not appear for sentencing. 

Cunningham is now wanted on a bench warrant, superior court bench warrant, surety warrant and failing to comply with a release order. 

“Mr. Cunningham is not simply a suspect or an accused, as is usually the case for Bolo campaigns. He is a convicted criminal,” said Bolo’s executive director Maxime Langlois. 

“This is the first time Bolo has had the displeasure of featuring a convicted criminal in a Toronto campaign. How is that even possible? … In six years of running Bolo, I’ve never heard such a lax application of bail by our courts,” he added.

“We’re talking here about someone who had repeatedly shown a disregard for rule of law, who had broken his bail conditions time and again, who was convicted of trafficking firearms and who, despite all this, was allowed to remain in the community.”

Cunningham is known to have “strong family and criminal ties” in the Greater Toronto Area, which Toronto police believe may be aiding him in his evasion. 

He is suspected to still be within the GTA somewhere using an alias and fake ID. Police believe Cunningham to be still “continuing his criminal activities.”

He is described to be 6’1, around 160 pounds with brown eyes, black hair and has a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

Born in Jamaica, it’s also suspected that he may still have ties there. 

“If anyone sees Cunningham or knows of his whereabouts, they should immediately call 9-1-1,” wrote TPS in a press release.

“Anyone offering him assistance in evading arrest may be considered an accessory after the fact and face charges.”

Crime Stoppers confirmed that a tip leading to Cunnigham’s arrest can be submitted anonymously and the reward will still be paid out, which will remain available until Dec. 4.
