Rebel journalist David Menzies arrested at pro-Palestinian protest

By Quinn Patrick

A Rebel News journalist was arrested by Toronto police while attempting to interview a pro-Palestinian demonstrator protesting outside a Liberal fundraiser.

Toronto Police Service arrested David Menzies outside the King Edward Hotel, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was speaking at a Liberal dinner event.

A Rebel News cameraman filmed the entire exchange, where Menzies can be seen providing his wallet to officers, which presumably carried any necessary identification, however the arrest was made anyway.

Menzies was escorted away from a group of pro-Palestinian protesters just before they were to begin praying. 

A protester was also arrested at the same demonstration.

“Friday’s arrest was clearly illegal,” Menzies told True North. “I was peacefully doing public interest journalism in a public place when police suddenly grabbed me, arrested me and took me to jail where they held me for more than four hours. You can watch the arrest for yourself here,” he added, including a video of the exchange in his email.  

A spokesperson with Toronto Police Services confirmed to True North that Menzies has been charged with obstructing a peace officer and breaching a peace bond. 

Menzies was detained for several hours before being released unconditionally. 

“We back the blue; defunding the police = anarchy. But there are some cops who shouldn’t even be issuing parking tickets. I.e: Officer Bubbles. Check out Ezra’s compiled tweets. How is this cop, consumed with anger issues, still employed by Toronto Police?” wrote Menzies in a post to X in the wake of his arrest. 

Organizers of the protest issued a statement ahead of the demonstrations stating that its intention was to send a clear message to the Liberal Party of Canada that it could no longer proceed with a “business as usual” approach to the Israel-Hamas war. 

“It was much like when police illegally arrested me for asking public interest questions of Chrystia Freeland, “ said Menzies.

Menzies was arrested by RCMP in January while asking Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland  a question as she was walking into an event. 

One of Freeland’s RCMP protective officers obstructed Menzies’s pathand subsequently arrested the journalist for purportedly assaulting a police officer. He was released shortly after without any charges. 

Rebel News announced it would be filing a lawsuit for assault and false arrest against the RCMP.

As for Menzies’ most recent arrest while on the job, he said he will be seeking legal counsel. 

“I am consulting with lawyers but I expect that we will sue the Toronto police much in the same way we are suing the RCMP for their misconduct in the Freeland matter. They have violated my Charter rights as a citizen and as a journalist,” said Menzies.
