Protests against carbon tax planned in Ottawa, across Canada on April 1

By Élie Cantin-Nantel

The carbon tax revolt continues with a wave of protests against the Trudeau government’s controversial policy is set to unfold across Canada, including on Parliament Hill.

The protests will happen Apr. 1, the same day the carbon tax is set to rise by 23% from $65 per tonne to $80 per tonne.

In Ottawa, local organizers have received a permit to hold a rally in front of Parliament. The permit authorizes, among other things, the use of two 300-watt speakers and flags.

Across Canada, more disruptive highway protests are being organized on the outskirts of major cities and at interprovincial borders. 

Organizers with a group called the “Nationwide Protest Against The Carbon Tax Administration” say protesters might partially block certain roadways to slow down traffic.

They, however, say the blockades will not be total like the ones seen in Alberta and Southern Ontario during the Freedom Convoy. “At least one centre lane (will be) open for traffic.”

Highway demonstrations are currently planned in the suburbs of Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal — in addition to border towns like Lloydminster.

Some small town rallies are also being planned.

In Lloydminster, the blockade will see the right lanes of Highway 16 shut down for days. Organizers stress that they’ll make room for emergency vehicles.

Despite their disruptive plans, organizers say the event will be peaceful.

“This is a peaceful event aimed at uniting Canadians for a common cause & we will be holding the line indefinitely until our mission objective is achieved. Join us in this steadfast commitment to ensure our voices are heard, and our goals are realized,” organizers say.

A code of conduct found on the organizers’ website calls for respectful and peaceful behaviour, as well as respect for people’s diverse backgrounds. 

“By adhering to these principles, our collective voice will resonate stronger and clearer. Let’s exemplify commitment, responsibility, and a desire for positive change,” the code reads.

A Facebook group promoting the national protests has also been set up, and currently has almost 150,000 members, suggesting great interest in the protests.

In a statement to True North, Canadian Taxpayers Federation federal director Franco Terrazzano said he is pleased that Canadians are taking a stand against the carbon tax.

“But it’s great to see more and more Canadians standing up to fight the carbon tax,” he said. “Canadians are sick and tired of the federal government making our lives more expensive with the carbon tax.”

A spokesperson for Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre told True North that Poilievre supports “the right of all Canadians to lawful and peaceful protest” and will be hosting his own “axe the tax” rally in Nanaimo, B.C. Monday.

“With our ‘Spike the Hike’ campaign in full swing, Pierre Poilievre and common sense Conservative MPs have been taking our message directly to Canadians with massive rallies across the country, calling on Justin Trudeau and his Liberal-NDP costly coalition MPs to cancel their 23% carbon tax increase come April 1,” Sebastian Skamski said.

“Common sense Conservative MPs are also staging protests in Liberal and NDP held ridings – like in Thunder Bay and Cape Breton today – to bring the heat to costly coalition MPs and force them to confront Trudeau to stop his costly tax hike.”

According to a recent poll, 69% of Canadians oppose the planned carbon tax hike.

This story has been updated to include details about Pierre Poilievre’s plans for April 1 made available after this story was published.
